Ionic vs Native App Development

Recently Ionic App development has increased, the choice of using the native or Ionic app development is always the pain of all those who want to make a mobile application. General Description • Native applications are unique to a particular mobile platform (iOS or Android) using the tools and development language that supports the respective platform (e.g., Xcode and Objective-C with iOS, Java with Android and Eclipse). Native applications look and work better. • Ionic applications allow you to embed HTML5 applications within a thin native container; you can combine the best (and worst) elements of HTML5 and native apps. Native Applications Advantages 1. A native mobile application can produce the best user experience: Fast graphics API and smooth animation, which is critical when using a large amount of data or require a quick update. 2. Obviously, you can also get complete control over what you are doing. It’s easy for you to use the camera, address book, g...