Let’s check out some of the best Alexa skill sets

Before starting my article I want to share some data “There are 5.2M Alexa devices sold in just 2 years and by the end of 2017 there will be over 12M units will be sold.” Amazon Alexa is a voice-enabled a device that works as per the commands of the user. Alexa provides a set of inbuilt capabilities which are known as Alexa skills. With the introduction of Alexa skills, industries and businesses started opting Alexa skill development. This lead to an increase in the demand of Alexa skill developer. The focus of enterprises and businesses now has been transferred from mobile app developers to Alexa skill developer. This article is for all those Startups, SMEs, and enterprises that are looking forward to Custom Alexa skill set integration, mobile app development for IoT Devices, Cloud integration. Amazon Alexa platform focus on two specified areas of development: Alexa voice search: Amazon Alexa uses Alexa voice service (AVS) to integrating Alexa voice enablem...