Swift Vs. React Native: Which Is The Best Platform For Your iOS App?

Comparing Swift Vs. React Native in some terms is very justifiable but in others would mean comparing apples to oranges. There are many overlaps while also they have different intended purposes and benefits. After giving this statutory warning let’s move on to the discussion between Swift Vs. React Native and which is better for your iOS app development needs . iOS has always been a synonym to high quality and both these app development platforms suffice to this belief. Earlier it was considered that React native is only good if you wish to build an app for multiple platforms but if you have a goal to only build the app for a single platform (in this case iOS) then you must go with the native development platform (Objective-c or Swift for iOS), this stays true even at present but there are some advantages of developing your iOS app in React native as well. Here we will be discussing the Pros and Cons of both the platforms without supporting or opposing anyone for another. So l...